
Inside the Pack: 2022 Topps Chrome Logofractor Edition Review

I’m generally not a huge fan of online-only releases, and I typically don’t rush out to buy Topps Chrome products. But when Topps announced a Topps Chrome Logofractor edition, my interest was piqued. What was a logofractor? How would the cards be distributed?

Once the product went live online, I knew I had to have it. Photos showed that logofractors were like the Topps Chrome mojo refractors, except with an MLB logo shown repeatedly in the background. The cards looked so cool that I gobbled up five boxes online before they sold out.

When they arrived, I intended on opening one or two boxes and leaving the rest sealed to sell. But once I opened a box, I knew that none of them were going to make it out of my clutches sealed.

Boxes are designed like the familiar “mega boxes” of years past. Each box has five packs of base Bowman Chrome cards — no parallels or inserts. Then there are two specialty packs of five Logofractor cards each.

The Logofractor cards are beautiful. I’m not even sure beautiful fully describes it. The MLB logo is fully sublimated into the background, shining and popping at just the right angle. The colored parallels — two per box — are gorgeous as well.

I pulled my favorite card, a green refractor /99 of Albert Pujols, in the first box I opened. Though I didn’t get any autographs across my five boxes, I did get a nice Wander Franco rookie, along with cards of Mike Trout and Shohei Ohtani.

Often when I rip products, I feel a little bit of guilt over the money I spent. On this product, the only guilt was that I didn’t buy more boxes when I had the chance. They’re selling for around $120 now. If and when the price drops back down, I’ll probably pick some more up to open. The cards really are that nice.

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