Inside the Pack: What to Expect at a Baseball Card Show

Two Saturdays ago was a rare perfect storm of baseball card shows in my area, with 3 really good shows within an hour or so of my house. I decided to go to the show at The Villages, a large retirement community that encompasses a whole city in the center of the state. While I was there, I overheard multiple customers mention either that it was their first show in decades, or the first time they had ever gone to a baseball card show.

I thought of my friend — the one I wrote about who started collecting last year because of Allen and Ginter. He went to his first show in White Plains, NY, last year, and peppered me beforehand with questions about what to expect. If you’re someone who hasn’t been to a show in a few decades, or if you’ve never been to a show, here are some helpful hints for you as you embark on your journey.

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